General Reference Material
- The Oughtred Society
- Beginner’s Guide to Collecting Slide Rules
- All About Slide Rules
- Slide Rules of the Major Makers
- Also, search their Journal of the Oughtred Society (JOS) from on-line.
- Beginner’s Guide to Collecting Slide Rules
- United Kingdom Slide Rule Circle
- International Slide Rule Museum
- When Slide Rules Ruled, Scientific American, May 2006, pp. 80-87.
- For those without access to a physical slide rule…
- A History of the Logarithmic Slide Rule and Allied Instruments, Florian Cajori
- The Engineering News Publishing Company, New York, 1909
- pdf document obtained from Google books
- The Engineering News Publishing Company, New York, 1909
- Guus Craenen, Slide Rules through Time
- Imprint, Digital English translation Edition (2022).
- Originally privately published in German as a book by Guus Craenen, Soest / NL, 2009.
- Imprint, Digital English translation Edition (2022).
Online Downloads
The following historical books in pdf format have been downloaded from various sources online , such as Google Books and Internet Archive, and compiled into the searchable table below.
Primary Web Site References: Major Makers
- Aristo, Dennert & Pape
- Blundell Rules Limited
- Dietzgen
- Engineering Instruments, Lawrence Engineering
- Faber, Faber-Castell
- Felsenthal
- Festus, Acu-Rule, Sterling
- Gilson, Richardson
- Halden
- Hemmi
- Keuffel and Esser (K&E)
- Nestler
- Pickett
- Post
- Relay-Ricoh
- Ruyi
- Thornton
- Unique
Primary Web Site References: Other Makers
- Boykin
- Davies, Routledge Engineer’s Rule
- see Hopp
- Fowler
- Gunter’s Scale
- HH
- Jacob and Halse, Sector
- Novotni
- Otis King
- Palmer’s Computing Scale
- Sikes’s Hydromter
- Sillcocks-Miller
- Stanley (Fuller Cylindrical)
- Tavernier-Gravet
- UIF Shanghai
- White and Gillespie (>W&G<)
See also the chapter, Books, Manuals, and Charts.
Other References from the Text
Hopp, Peter M. 1999. Slide Rules: Their History, Models, and Makers. Mendham, NJ: Astragal Press.
K&E Slide Rules: Deci-Lon, an Instruction Manual. 1962. Morristown, NJ: Keuffel & Esser Co.
R Core Team. 2021. R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing. Vienna, Austria: R Foundation for Statistical Computing.
RStudio, PBC. 2019. RStudio.
Xie, Yihui. 2016. Bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with r Markdown.