F.64 Data Sheet MJS-p-0271
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E.S.A. London, Harrow Mark Reducer, 1898-1925
Serial Number or Date Stamp:
Country: UK | Primary construction material: wd | Case included?: no |
General Description: Early linear marking/grading rule slide rule
Length of 1 decade = 11 in, and overall scale length = 33 in. The largest physical dimension is 36 in.
Front Scales: A [ B ]
Back Scales:
Notes: Educational Supply Association, incorp. 1898; rule was designed in 1875 by W.D. Bushell for the Harrow School, England, to reduce and calculate examination scores; 2 decades on stock, 3 decades on slide, 36 inch total length
References: A History of Harrow School, 1324-1991, Oxford University Press, 2000, p.312
Date Acquired: 08/03/2022