D Some Collection Statistics
Total number of slide rules: 378.
Range of rule ages: 50 to 216 years. Average rule age: 83.8 years.
Number of rules at least 75 years old: 210. Number of rules at least 100 years old: 90.
Number of rules at least 125 years old: 18. Number of rules at least 150 years old: 11.
Number of rules at least 175 years old: 10. Number of rules at least 200 years old: 5.
Countries of the Slide Rule Makers
Country | No. Rules | Makers |
AUS | 1 | W&G |
CHN | 2 | Ruyi, UIF Shanghai |
DEN | 2 | Rietz |
EGER | 1 | Reiss |
FRA | 5 | MARC, Tavernier-Gravet |
GER | 44 | Aristo, Dennert & Pape, Dietzgen, Faber, Faber-Castell, HH, KHH, Kolesch, Nestler, Staedtler |
JPN | 48 | Alco, Concise, Hemmi, Relay-Ricoh, noID |
UK | 26 | Blundell Rules Limited, Boots Ringplan, Davies, Dring and Fage, E.S.A. London, Fearns Calculators, Fowler, Gill, Halden, Jacob and Halse, Otis King, Stanley London, Thornton, Unique, noID |
USA | 246 | Acu-Rule, American Blueprint, Baetzmann, Belcher Bros., Boykin, Bruning, C-Thru, Charvoz-Roos, Dietzgen, Engineering Instruments, Felsenthal, Festus, General Luminescent Corp, Gilson, Goodyear, Graphic Calculator, Gurley, J.B. Carroll, K&E, Kahl Scientific, Kutz, Lawrence, Mims, Novotni, P.A.S. Co., Palmer, Parisian Novelty, Pickett, Richardson, Sandish, Scofield, Sillcocks-Miller, Simplified Flight Calculator Co., Stanley, Sterling, The American Art Works, USA Mil, noID |
USSR | 3 | Factory10, MATSKU, USSR Military |
Primary Construction Materials
Material | No. Rules | Makers |
Al | 54 | Gilson, Pickett, Reiss, Richardson |
bb | 41 | Hemmi, Relay-Ricoh |
iv | 1 | Jacob and Halse |
Mg | 11 | Acu-Rule, Pickett |
pl | 85 | Acu-Rule, Aristo, Blundell Rules Limited, Boots Ringplan, Boykin, Bruning, C-Thru, Concise, Dietzgen, Faber-Castell, Fearns Calculators, Felsenthal, General Luminescent Corp, Graphic Calculator, Gurley, J.B. Carroll, K&E, Kahl Scientific, MARC, Mims, Novotni, Parisian Novelty, Pickett, Rietz, Ruyi, Sillcocks-Miller, Simplified Flight Calculator Co., Staedtler, Sterling, The American Art Works, Thornton, USA Mil, USSR Military, noID |
pp | 3 | Goodyear, Palmer |
ss | 11 | Alco, Fowler, Halden, MATSKU, Otis King, P.A.S. Co., Richardson |
wd | 172 | Acu-Rule, American Blueprint, Baetzmann, Belcher Bros., Charvoz-Roos, Davies, Dennert & Pape, Dietzgen, Dring and Fage, E.S.A. London, Engineering Instruments, Faber, Faber-Castell, Factory10, Festus, Gill, HH, Hemmi, K&E, KHH, Kolesch, Kutz, Lawrence, Nestler, Pickett, Richardson, Sandish, Scofield, Stanley, Stanley London, Tavernier-Gravet, Thornton, UIF Shanghai, Unique, W&G, noID |
- Key: wd (wood), bb (bamboo), pl (plastic), ss (stainless/steel alloy), Al (Aluminum), Mg (Magnesium), iv (ivory), pp (paper)