F.194 Data Sheet MJS-p-0119
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K&E, 4092-3, 1929
Serial Number or Date Stamp: 277653
Country: USA | Primary construction material: wd | Case included?: yes |
General Description: Advanced linear log-log duplex slide rule
Length of 1 decade = 10 in, and overall scale length = 10 in. The largest physical dimension is 10 in.
Front Scales: K DF [ CF CIF CI C ] D L
Back Scales: LL0 A [ B S T C ] LL3 LL2 LL1
Notes: Log Log Duplex; sans serif; all-glass cursor; stitched case; missing flap
References: http://www.mccoys-kecatalogs.com/KECollection/4092-3/keN4092-3_s1_1.htm
Date Acquired: 08/01/2016