F.60 Data Sheet MJS-p-0303
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Dietzgen, MultiplexProto, 1905-1907
Serial Number or Date Stamp:
Country: GER | Primary construction material: wd | Case included?: yes |
General Description: Basic linear polyphase slide rule
Length of 1 decade = 10 in, and overall scale length = 10 in. The largest physical dimension is 10 in.
Front Scales: in /| A [ Br-B’’ C ] D || E
Back Scales: [ S L T ]
Notes: Very early Multiplex prototype rule, Br-B’’ scale in red; US patent Aug 9, 1904 (Br-B’’ scale); made by Nestler (German patent D.R. 173660, 1905); prod. mark 2904 on back; no cursor; came with mis-matched box labeled Mannheim on front flap, 1760 P on end; flap has decorative button; owner W. Templin, 3909 Melrose
References: JOS V5.2; JOS V24.1p61; https://www.oughtred.org/books/SlideRulesThroughTime1787to1905_220718.pdf
Date Acquired: 05/20/2023