4.7 Years 1950-1959

Number of slide rules: 79.

The construction quality and the variety of slide rule scale sets continued to improve during this decade, and the number of scales found on the advanced slide rules continued to rise. The variety of Specialty Slide Rules increases dramatically over the next two decades.

Some notable technical developments: Sputnik satellite, MOSFET transistor, first transistorized computers; nuclear submarine, first integrated circuits; first microwave ovens.

Year Maker Model
c.1950 Aristo 971
c.1950 Bruning 2401
c.1950 Engineering Instruments 10-B
1950 K&E N4058W
1950 K&E 4070-3
c.1950 Parisian Novelty Concrete Calculator
1950 Pickett 4
1950 Pickett 600
c.1950 Pickett 901
c.1950 W&G 432 Dual-Face Comprehensive
1950-1952 K&E 9071-3
1950-1955 Felsenthal FAA-95
1950-1958 Pickett N803-ES
1951 Aristo 966H
1951 Felsenthal Logarithmic Calculator FF-6
1951 Hemmi 258
1951 K&E 4055
1951 K&E 4094
c.1951 Richardson GE Analizer
c.1952 Dietzgen 1732
c.1952 Dietzgen 1732
1952 Hemmi 255
1952 Hemmi 258
1952 Hemmi 258
1952 J.B. Carroll Associated Spring M110
1952-1956 Blundell Rules Limited Radiac No. 1
1952-1956 Pickett 1025
1952-54 Pickett 500-T
1953 Hemmi 50W
1953 Hemmi 258
1953 K&E 4080-3
1953 K&E 4081-3
1953 K&E N4101
1953 Pickett 3-T
1953-1956 Faber-Castell 67/54R
1954 Aristo 967U
1954 Aristo 970
1954 Dietzgen 1739-L
1954 Hemmi 40RK
1954 K&E N4081-3
c.1954 Pickett 903-T
1954 Pickett N1040-ES
1954 Thornton P.I.C. F3649
1955 Acu-Rule Connecticut Spring
c.1955 Concise 270
1955 Hemmi 153
1955 K&E 4081-3
1955 Kahl Scientific Culbertson Slide Rule
c.1955 Pickett 20-BASIC
c.1955 Pickett 120
1956 Hemmi 257
1956 K&E 4081-5
1956 K&E 4181-3
1957 Faber-Castell 2/82
1957 Factory10 YCP-12
1957 Hemmi 32
1957 Hemmi 258
1957 K&E 4097C
1957 K&E 4181-1
1957 K&E 4181-1
1957-1964 Blundell Rules Limited Pilot Balloon Slide Rule Mark IV-A
1958 Hemmi 258
1958 Pickett 4-ES
1958 Pickett 800-ES
c.1958 Pickett N1010-ES Trig Demonstration
1958-1962 Pickett 14
1958-1962 Pickett 1011-ES
1958-62 Pickett N-515-T
1958-62 Pickett N-515-T
1958-62 Pickett N1006-ES
c.1958-62 Pickett N1010-T TRIG
c.1958-62 Pickett N1010-T TRIG
1959 Hemmi 50W
1959 Pickett N4-ES
1959 Pickett 600-ES
1959 Unique Universal I
1959-1962 Pickett N4-T
c.1959-1966 Concise 380
c.1959-62 Pickett N1010-T TRIG