F.140 Data Sheet MJS-p-0061

Hemmi, 80/3, c.1935

Serial Number or Date Stamp:

Country: JPN Primary construction material: bb Case included?: box

General Description: Specialty linear electro slide rule

Length of 1 decade = 10 in, and overall scale length = 10 in. The largest physical dimension is 10 in.

Front Scales: cm /| LL2 A [ B CI C ] D LL3 || in < eff volt >

Back Scales: [ S L T ]

Notes: Electro; tables on back and text on box in French

References: http://tinas-sliderules.me.uk/Slide%20Rules/Hemmi%2080-3.JPG; JOS vol.12 no.1 pp 41-53 (2003)

Date Acquired: 02/06/2020