5.22 Other Rules

To create one of our previous lists a total of at least three rules of a given manufacturer had to be in the collection. The remainder of the rules are grouped into the “Others” category here, although this tends to contain many of the more significant rules.

Harrow Mark Reducer, E.S.A., London
Routledge Engineer Fuller’s Calculator Model 1
Boykin RotaRule 510 Fowler & Co. Long Scale RX
Jacob and Halse Sector Stanley 15, Carpenter’s
Fearns Calculators A13, UK Matsku KL-1 (back), USSR
Factory 10 YCP-12, USSR Goodyear Promotional
Alco P255 (front) Alco P255 (back)
Reiss 3223 (front) Reiss 3223 (back)
Staedtler 54408 H-H Universum
Palmer’s Computing Scale
Palmer’s Computing Scale

Total number of Other slide rules in the collection: 48.

Maker Model Year Type Mat L0 Country Note
Jacob and Halse Sector 1809 L iv 5.00 UK beautiful but warn; J&H in business 1809-1810; note from owner dated 1861; 6in when folded, log scale is an A of 9.75in
Gill Comparative Rule 1816-1824 L wd 9.00 UK Comparative Rule, part of a Sikes Hydrometer set made by Thomas Gill, London (in business 1806-1824)
Gill Proof Rule 1816-1824 L wd 9.00 UK Proof Rule, part of a Sikes Hydrometer set made by Thomas Gill, London (in business 1806-1824)
Belcher Bros.  Engineer’s Rule 1831-1843 L wd 10.25 USA Belcher made earliest American-made Gunter, Carpenter, and Engineer rules, starting in 1821; label BELCHER/BROTHERS/MAKERS/NEW YORK is from 1831-1843
Davies Routledge Engineer
1840 L wd 11.00 UK Maker is T. Davies, Gravel Lane, Southwark; references to pre-imperial units
Palmer Palmer’s Computing Scale 1843 C pp 27.00 USA First Issue of Palmer’s scale; first logarithmic calculating scale designed, manufactured, and sold in USA; original finger button for turning the disc
Palmer Palmer’s Pocket Scale 1845 C pp 10.00 USA Pocket-sized book, 48 pages, with small Palmer Scale on inside back cover; companion to Palmer’s Computing Scale; weathered and worn
Dring and Fage Excise Officers Rule 1845-1849 L wd 8.00 UK double slide; Tooley St. (19 & 20) London address; boxwood; brass pins at gauge marks; no Inland Revenue mark
Stanley No. 15
1858 L wd 11.00 USA Early American 2-foot 2-fold carpenter’s rule; Stanley Rule Level Co. No. 15; New Britain, Conn. (no USA); Warranted Boxwood; brass slide
Dring and Fage Inland Revenue Rule 1883-1902 L wd 12.00 UK Marked with address 145 Strand, London; used for alcohol excise tax purposes; 24 inch total length
E.S.A. London Harrow Mark Reducer 1898-1925 L wd 11.00 UK Educational Supply Association, incorp. 1898; rule was designed in 1875 by W.D. Bushell for the Harrow School, England, to reduce and calculate examination scores; 2 decades on stock, 3 decades on slide, 36 inch total length
Scofield Engineer’s Slide Rule 1901 L wd 22.00 USA rare; early edition of slide rule patented by Thacher, 1/2-assigned to Edson Mason Scofield (1867-1939); paper scales on wood, varnished; 1901 patent, no 1902 patent; sold by Dietzgen from about 1901-1931, perhaps also by Scofield
Stanley London Fuller’s Calculator Model No. 1 1909 H wd 500.00 UK Original mahogany box, with original instruction manual; nice condition; no hole in handle; from bank in New Jersey
Halden Calculex
1918 C ss 6.30 UK Halden’s Calculex Circular Slide Rule, earlier version type 3b, beveled glass, single screw; Made in Manchester, England by Joseph Halden; folded leather case and instruction book
P.A.S. Co.  Engraving Rule
1928 L ss 5.50 USA Engraving Proportion Scale; sold by Art Brown & Bro. Inc. NewYork; similar to Hyde Optical Slide Rule at ISRM
MARC promo
1930 L pl 5.00 FRA Made in France; blank promo type; Kathy from FindGreatStuff (Medford, NJ): This rule belonged to my Dad who worked as an engineer for RCA Camden from the 30s through their demise. All the best…
MARC promo
1930 L pl 5.00 FRA UNIS 1919; S.G.D.G. MARC __ PARIS; Engraved inside Chicago Pneumatic Tool Company
Novotni Weight Calculator
1935 L pl 4.00 USA Novotni, but not marked as such; 13 inch o/a length; By-Products Steel Corporation; Commercial Trust Building, Philadelphia, Pa.
UIF Shanghai 4083-3 1939-1947 L wd 10.00 CHN Chinese-made copy of K&E 4083-3 Vector Rule; paper (copy of K&E layout) on wood; no cursor; exact same rule presented by Clay Castleberry in JOS paper 15.1p36 (see refs.)
Sandish Spring Calculator
1940 L wd 4.00 USA apparent home-made dual-slide spring calculation slide rule; traced by F. Sandish; original owner M.L. Rowe
Baetzmann Spring Calculator 1941 L wd 2.00 USA Spring Load Calculations slide rule; large format 17 in x 2.5 in x 0.75 in; two slides on front, one on back; owner (maker?) R. K. Baetzmann, 1941
Sillcocks-Miller M1 Slide Rule No. 547 1942 C pl 31.00 USA Military ballistic slide rule; angles in mils (800 mils = 45 deg); designed by Robert Crichlow
Fowler Long-Scale 1943 C ss 30.00 UK very nice specimen; nickel-plated felt-lined box
HH Universum 1945-1955 L wd 7.50 GER HH Universum rule; green felt-line hinged case with clasp; 3-hairline cursor; great condition; original instruction sheet
Bruning 2401
1947 L pl 5.00 USA Fine leather case with Bruning and logo; instructions, dated 1947; DRAVO insignia on back of rule; missing cursor
Goodyear promo 1948 L pp 5.00 USA original paper case; likely made by Perrygraf
American Blueprint Military 1948-1957 L wd 10.00 USA US Military slide rule, for field artillery problems
Otis King Model L 1949 H ss 66.00 UK Type B/C, rare; original box, instructions (8 pg, folded)
Bruning 2401
1950 L pl 5.00 USA Post 1444P made by Charles Bruning (on case), no text on back of rule; owner Richard Schroeder
J.B. Carroll Associated Spring M110 1952 L pl 10.00 USA early version, made for Associated Spring; no cursor
Kahl Scientific Culbertson Slide Rule 1955 C pl 24.00 USA Temperature, Depth, Salinity calcs; Designed by Margaret Culbertson for the U.S. Navy Electronics Lab; full instructions
Factory10 YCP-12 1957 L wd 10.00 USSR nice condition; made in year of Sputnik (and my birth year!); Kiev
Rietz UTO 601
1960 L pl 5.00 DEN promo-Acme Industries, Jackson, MI; very good condition
Rietz UTO 601
1960 L pl 5.00 DEN promo-Joslyn Service (on rule + case)
Mims Aver-O-Matic 121 1961-1962 C pl 5.00 USA Log scales for computing ratio of (N-m)/N; linear angular scales for finding average of up to 10 numbers; donated by Marc Mims, son of inventor Powell Mims; US patent 3,095,144; instructions included
Graphic Calculator Percentage Calculator 1962 C pl 5.00 USA Circular Proportions Rule, made in nearby Barrington, IL
Staedtler 54408 1964 L pl 10.00 GER Staedtler Mars, made my Nestler?; very clean, great condition; 5-hairline cursor
Boykin RotaRule Model 510 1965 S pl 50.00 USA Original box, case, instruction book, ads – all the papers; 1 of only about 200 produced
Otis King Model K 1965 H ss 66.00 UK Type C; leather case + original box, instructions (8 pg, folded)
Alco P266
1966 L ss 5.00 JPN Made in Japan; all metal; addiator/slide rule combo
Ruyi 1002 1966 L pl 10.00 CHN Vector rule, 28 scales, nice condition
MATSKU KL-1 1969 C ss 5.00 USSR box; directions
Boots Ringplan Precision Log Log
1970 L pl 5.00 UK Nice pocket log-log; instruction book; made in Japan for Boots Ringplan Pharmacy
C-Thru PS-79
1970 C pl 16.00 USA Proportional Scale, from the estate of Johnny Craig, noted comic book artist
Fearns Calculators A13
1970 C pl 12.00 UK Log-Log is single helical 3-turn scale; made for Industrial Scientific Instruments, Montreal; conversion factors on back
USSR Military Slide Rule RL 1970 C pl 2.00 USSR Translations: Slide Rule RL, GIVING AN ASSESSMENT OF THE RADIATION ENVIRONMENTS DURING GROUND EXPLOSIONS, For Official Use, Ex. No. D10342; Instruction booklet in Russian: Order of the Red Banner of Labor, Military Publishing House, Defense Ministries CCCP, Moscow – 1970; green plastic carrying case; gift from Brian Eddy (thanks!)
Reiss 3223 Progress 1971 L Al 10.00 EGER very nice rule; made in E.Germany; 771 on stock = July 1971; multi-line cursor; case has been taped together
C-Thru S-96
1973 C pl 15.00 USA from my high school years