6.4 Significant Rules

This list contains those rules that I feel are the more significant rules of the collection and have become some of my favorites, either because of their age, their historical significance, their complexity, their condition, or combinations of these qualities.

Maker Model Year Type Mat L0 Lx
Jacob and Halse Sector 1809 L iv 5.00 12.0
Gill Comparative Rule 1816-1824 L wd 9.00 9.0
Gill Proof Rule 1816-1824 L wd 9.00 9.0
noID Gunter Rule
1820 L wd 12.00 24.0
Belcher Bros.  Engineer’s Rule 1831-1843 L wd 10.25 12.0
Davies Routledge Engineer
1840 L wd 11.00 12.0
Palmer Palmer’s Computing Scale 1843 C pp 27.00 11.0
Palmer Palmer’s Pocket Scale 1845 C pp 10.00 3.0
Dring and Fage Excise Officers Rule 1845-1849 L wd 8.00 10.0
Stanley No. 15
1858 L wd 11.00 12.0
noID Comparative Rule
1880 L wd 9.00 9.0
Tavernier-Gravet Soho 1882-1900 L wd 8.00 8.0
Dring and Fage Inland Revenue Rule 1883-1902 L wd 12.00 24.0
Faber 360 1897 L wd 10.00 10.0
E.S.A. London Harrow Mark Reducer 1898-1925 L wd 11.00 36.0
Scofield Engineer’s Slide Rule 1901 L wd 22.00 24.0
Kolesch Mannheim 1901-1904 L wd 10.00 10.0
K&E 4054 1903 L wd 10.00 10.0
K&E 4041 1904 L wd 10.00 10.0
K&E 4035
1905 L wd 8.00 8.0
Dietzgen MultiplexProto 1905-1907 L wd 10.00 10.0
K&E 4013 Thacher 1907 L wd 360.00 18.0
Stanley London Fuller’s Calculator Model No. 1 1909 H wd 500.00 12.0
K&E 4053-2 1910-1914 L wd 8.00 8.0
K&E 4092 1913 L wd 10.00 10.0
K&E 4133 1913-1914 L wd 8.00 8.0
K&E 4100 1913-1915 L wd 10.00 10.0
K&E 4071 1915 L wd 10.00 10.0
K&E 4083
1916 L wd 16.00 16.0
Richardson Model of 1917 1917-1918 L wd 17.00 18.0
Halden Calculex
1918 C ss 6.30 2.5
Gilson Midget 1919 C Al 12.00 4.0
Nestler 1a
1920 L wd 10.00 10.0
K&E 4035 1922 L wd 8.00 8.0
K&E 4092-3 1923 L wd 10.00 10.0
K&E 4092-5 1923 L wd 20.00 20.0
K&E 4031 1924 L wd 5.00 5.0
KHH Mannheim Multiphase Adjustable 1924 L wd 10.00 10.0
Nestler 41 Pocket
1925 L wd 4.00 4.0
KHH Mannheim Multiphase Adjustable
1925-1930 L wd 10.00 10.0
K&E N4053-3F 1928 L wd 10.00 10.0
Nestler 33 Chemiker 1928-1933 L wd 10.00 10.0
K&E Mystery2 1929 L wd 10.00 10.0
K&E 4093-3 1930 L wd 10.00 10.0
Nestler 24
1930 L wd 20.00 20.0
Gilson Atlas
1931 S Al 468.00 8.0
K&E 4093-3 1933 L wd 10.00 10.0
K&E Mystery 1934 L wd 10.00 10.0
K&E N4096 1935 L wd 20.00 20.0
K&E Mystery2 1936 L wd 10.00 10.0
K&E N4092-5 1936 L wd 20.00 20.0
Hemmi 153 1936-1940 L wd 10.00 10.0
K&E 4081-3 1937 L wd 10.00 10.0
UIF Shanghai 4083-3 1939-1947 L wd 10.00 10.0
Gilson Midget
1940 C Al 12.00 4.0
Hemmi Triangulation
1940 L bb 7.00 20.0
K&E 4110 1940 L wd 6.50 15.0
Baetzmann Spring Calculator 1941 L wd 2.00 17.0
Fowler Long-Scale 1943 C ss 30.00 3.0
K&E N4133 1944 L wd 8.00 8.0
Simplified Flight Calculator Co.  Rhumb Line Distance and Course Computer 1944 C pl 6.00 6.0
HH Universum 1945-1955 L wd 7.50 7.5
Pickett 1 1945-46 L Mg 10.00 10.0
Pickett 4 1947-49 L Mg 10.00 10.0
American Blueprint Military 1948-1957 L wd 10.00 12.0
K&E Mystery 1949 L wd 10.00 10.0
K&E Mystery 1949 L wd 10.00 10.0
Otis King Model L 1949 H ss 66.00 6.0
Aristo 971
1950 L pl 10.00 10.0
Pickett 4 1950 L Mg 10.00 10.0
Pickett 600 1950 L Mg 5.00 5.0
Felsenthal FAA-95 1950-1955 C pl 16.00 8.0
Hemmi 258 1951 L bb 10.00 10.0
K&E 4094 1951 L wd 10.00 10.0
Richardson GE Analizer
1951 L wd 4.00 18.0
Hemmi 255 1952 L bb 10.00 10.0
Hemmi 258 1952 L bb 10.00 10.0
Hemmi 258 1952 L bb 10.00 10.0
Pickett 1025 1952-1956 L Al 5.00 10.0
Hemmi 258 1953 L bb 10.00 10.0
K&E 4081-3 1953 L wd 10.00 10.0
K&E N4101 1953 L wd 20.00 20.0
K&E 4081-3 1955 L wd 10.00 10.0
Hemmi 257 1956 L bb 10.00 10.0
K&E 4081-5 1956 L wd 20.00 20.0
Faber-Castell 2/82 1957 L pl 10.00 10.0
Hemmi 258 1957 L bb 10.00 10.0
Blundell Rules Limited Pilot Balloon Slide Rule Mark IV-A 1957-1964 L pl 7.50 24.5
Hemmi 258 1958 L bb 10.00 10.0
Pickett 4-ES 1958 L Al 10.00 10.0
Pickett N-515-T 1958-62 L Al 10.00 10.0
Pickett N-515-T 1958-62 L Al 10.00 10.0
Pickett N4-ES 1959 L Al 10.00 10.0
Pickett N4-T 1959-1962 L Al 10.00 10.0
Concise 380
1959-1966 C pl 2.00 4.0
Faber-Castell 3/11 Statique 1960 L wd 10.00 15.0
Pickett N531-ES 1960 L Al 10.00 10.0
Aristo 1067U 1961 L pl 20.00 20.0
Mims Aver-O-Matic 121 1961-1962 C pl 5.00 9.0
Felsenthal Polhemus Celestial Computer 1962-1963 C pl 4.00 9.0
Pickett N600-T 1962-1964 L Al 10.00 10.0
Dietzgen 1734
1963 L wd 10.00 10.0
Hemmi 258 1963 L bb 10.00 10.0
Pickett N600-ES
1964 L Al 5.00 5.0
Pickett N600-ES
1964 L Al 5.00 5.0
Pickett N3-T 1964-1975 L Al 10.00 10.0
Pickett N3p-ES 1964-1975 L Al 5.00 5.0
Pickett N4-ES 1964-1975 L Al 10.00 10.0
Pickett N600-ES 1964-1975 L Al 10.00 10.0
Pickett N600-T 1964-1975 L Al 10.00 10.0
Boykin RotaRule Model 510 1965 S pl 50.00 6.0
Hemmi Pocket Versalog 1965 L bb 5.00 5.0
Otis King Model K 1965 H ss 66.00 6.0
Aristo 969 1966 L pl 10.00 10.0
Pickett N3p-T 1966 L Al 5.00 5.0
Hemmi 258 1967 L bb 10.00 10.0
K&E 68-1130 1967 L pl 5.00 5.0
K&E 68-1130 1967 L pl 5.00 5.0
Thornton P221
1967 L pl 10.00 10.0
Hemmi Pocket Versalog 1968 L bb 5.00 5.0
Hemmi 258 1969 L bb 10.00 10.0
K&E 68-1100 1969 L pl 10.00 10.0
Aristo 958 1970 L pl 10.00 10.0
Faber-Castell 2/83N 1970 L pl 10.00 10.0
Pickett N904-T
1970 L Al 10.00 10.0
Hemmi 258 1971 L bb 10.00 10.0
Hemmi Pocket Versalog II 1971 L bb 5.00 5.0
Dietzgen 1776 1972 L pl 5.00 5.0
Faber-Castell 62/83 1972 L pl 5.00 5.0
Hemmi 258 1972 L bb 10.00 10.0
Pickett X-3
1975 L Al 10.00 10.0