F.258 Data Sheet MJS-p-0128

Nestler, 23R, 1937-1945

Serial Number or Date Stamp:

Country: GER Primary construction material: wd Case included?: yes

General Description: Basic linear polyphase slide rule

Length of 1 decade = 10 in, and overall scale length = 10 in. The largest physical dimension is 10 in.

Front Scales: cm /| K A [ B CI C ] D L || 1:25

Back Scales: [ S ST T ]

Notes: rule in very nice condition; lid to case is missing; top of sleeve has acceptance stamp of the Kriegsmarine – Reichsadler with a swastika in an oak leaf ring and the letter M for Marine

References: https://www.sliderulemuseum.com/Nestler.htm; http://osgalleries.org/journal/displayarticle.cgi?match=11.1/V11.1P38.pdf

Date Acquired: 08/01/2020