F.255 Data Sheet MJS-p-0034
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MATSKU, KL-1, 1969
Serial Number or Date Stamp:
Country: USSR | Primary construction material: ss | Case included?: box |
General Description: Basic circular simple pocket watch style slide rule
Length of 1 decade = 5 in, and overall scale length = 5 in. The largest physical dimension is 2 in.
Front Scales: A C
Back Scales: D S T
Notes: box; directions
References: Peter Hopp, Pocket-Watch Slide Rules, Astragal Presss (2011); http://sliderulemuseum.com/Soviet.htm; http://sliderulemuseum.com/Manuals/KL-1_USSRnCircularSlideRule.pdf
Date Acquired: 09/12/2016