F.231 Data Sheet MJS-p-0262

KHH, Mannheim Multiphase Adjustable, c.1925-1930

Serial Number or Date Stamp:

Country: GER Primary construction material: wd Case included?: yes

General Description: Basic linear polyphase slide rule

Length of 1 decade = 10 in, and overall scale length = 10 in. The largest physical dimension is 10 in.

Front Scales: in /| A [ B CI C ] D K || cm

Back Scales: [ S L T ]

Notes: Post 1452; maker Koch, Huxhold & Hannemann; Frederick Post Co. Chicago // Germany in well; fine leather case, stamped Posts Multiphase Slide Rule; owner M.J.T.; L scale right to left; Table of Constants The Frederick Post Company on back

References: http://srtco.us/PostCrossRef/SubPages/1452%5b1925-30%5d.html

Date Acquired: 06/11/2022