F.184 Data Sheet MJS-p-0181

K&E, 4088-2, 1916-1920

Serial Number or Date Stamp:

Country: USA Primary construction material: wd Case included?: yes

General Description: Basic linear polyphase duplex slide rule

Length of 1 decade = 8 in, and overall scale length = 8 in. The largest physical dimension is 8 in.

Front Scales: DF [ CF CIF C ] D

Back Scales: K A [ S T CI ] D L

Notes: Polyphase Duplex; good condition for its age; all-glass cursor, no s/n, prod. marks 41; leather case; owner Merrill Russell, Wenton, WV

References: https://www.mccoys-kecatalogs.com/KECollection/4088/ke4088familyrules.htm

Date Acquired: 03/01/2021