6.2 Oldest Rules

The 25 oldest rules in the collection are presented below. For items in this list for which only a date range or educated guess (circa) is known, the earliest year is used.

Maker Model Year Type Mat L0 Lx
Jacob and Halse Sector 1809 L iv 5.00 12
Gill Comparative Rule 1816-1824 L wd 9.00 9
Gill Proof Rule 1816-1824 L wd 9.00 9
noID Gunter Rule
1820 L wd 12.00 24
Belcher Bros.  Engineer’s Rule 1831-1843 L wd 10.25 12
Davies Routledge Engineer
1840 L wd 11.00 12
Palmer Palmer’s Computing Scale 1843 C pp 27.00 11
Palmer Palmer’s Pocket Scale 1845 C pp 10.00 3
Dring and Fage Excise Officers Rule 1845-1849 L wd 8.00 10
Stanley No. 15
1858 L wd 11.00 12
noID Comparative Rule
1880 L wd 9.00 9
Tavernier-Gravet Soho 1882-1900 L wd 8.00 8
Dring and Fage Inland Revenue Rule 1883-1902 L wd 12.00 24
Faber 360 1897 L wd 10.00 10
Faber 365 1898-1900 L wd 10.00 10
E.S.A. London Harrow Mark Reducer 1898-1925 L wd 11.00 36
Scofield Engineer’s Slide Rule 1901 L wd 22.00 24
Kolesch Mannheim 1901-1904 L wd 10.00 10
Dietzgen 1765 1902-1912 L wd 10.00 10
Faber 350 1903 L wd 10.00 10
K&E 4054 1903 L wd 10.00 10
K&E 4041 1904 L wd 10.00 10
Faber 367 1904-1905 L wd 10.00 10
K&E 4035
1905 L wd 8.00 8
K&E 4041
1905 L wd 10.00 10